For whatever reason I’m naturally disorganized. Thoughts and ideas ping around my head like kernels in a bag of microwave popcorn. However, before a wedding my brain flips a switch and engages my inner geek. I create an outline of what will be happening and which cameras and film (I’ve been known to shoot up to 8 varieties of film stock and sizes on one day) I’ll use for the specific activity. I think about the length of the church aisle and predetermine everything for the processional including which camera body I'll have on which shoulder and which lens I’ll leave sitting in a bag next to the church door for when the bride arrives at the altar.
All this planning does not make me rigid or inflexible, in fact quite the opposite. When things deviate from the plan is when I’m at my best, that is when I capture the serendipitous moments that make each wedding unique. I try to “forget it all.” Live and photograph the moments. Someone once told me learning it all then forgetting it is part of Zen practice. I really have no idea what to label it, but I do know if I am comfortable in my skin and happy with what I’m doing I will exude a confidence that puts everyone at ease and makes me a pleasure to be around, an island of calm on what could be a stressful day
As for my specific photographic style, I want my clients to feel as though I’m a friend floating about the room more than a “vendor” she has hired. I use film, in addition to digital capture, because I love the way my 1950’s Yashica twin lens renders ethereal and soft images, by using vintage cameras and lenses I produce unique images. I am more interested in making great pictures than I am in the wedding photo style du jour. I want the photos to be timeless, when people say my pictures look like they could’ve been shot in the 1950’s I take it as a great compliment.
Shooting film also adds value for my clients. They appreciate the inherit difference between digital and film. Clients often believe, even though it’s not always true, film photographers have a better grasp on the technical & aesthetic aspects of photography.